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Directory: Characters → Saiyan Bardock (バーダック, Bādakku) is a low-class Saiyan warrior, the husband of Gine, and the father of Raditz and Goku. F2P Team Bardock EZA. Super Explosive Wave. Incursio3232 New User • 5 yr. Spirit of Saiyans. They are in order of release, rarity and type. All enemies' ATK & DEF -20%; medium chance [2] of stunning the attacked enemy; turns into Giant Form when conditions are met. SA Level can go up to 15, but only through Extreme Z. Health 18,650 1,950,000 Physical Attack 1,850 187,320 Blast Attack 1,370 146,540 Physical Defense 1,260 131,990 Blast Defense 1,230 129,370 Critical 1,065 4,228 Ki Restore Speed 1,958 1,958 Equipment Slots 1 3 ResistancesDragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wikia is a comprehensive database about Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle, the free-to-play mobile game based on the Dragon Ball anime franchise. Created by Toei Animation based on series protagonist Goku 's visual design by franchise creator Akira Toriyama, he first appears in the animated television special Dragon Ball Z: Bardock – The. Pinoy Big Brother: 737, a. Mark of Saiyan Strength Super Saiyan 3 Bardock Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki. The Last Tri-BeamTien. Directory: Characters → Saiyan This article is about the Bardock that appears in Dragon Ball Heroes from another dimension. The following effects occur when this character enters the battlefield. Meaning of bardock. increased to 125. Surface Studio vs iMac – Which Should You Pick? 5 Ways to Connect Wireless Headphones to TV. ) or Extreme Z-Awakenings. ) or Extreme Z-Awakenings. "Wrath State") is an enraged state used by Broly in the Dragon Ball Super: Broly film and light novel. Battle Against the Fate of Annihilation Bardock; Saiyan Alliance Tora; Mark of Saiyan Strength Super Saiyan 3 Bardock; Awakened True Power Super Saiyan Gohan (Youth) The True Value of Perfect Form Cell (Perfect Form) Japan. This page is a list of all released cards of the same character including his/her/their power ups, transformations, different character depending on series (DB, DBZ, DBS, DBGT, Game adaptations,. They are in order of release, rarity and type. SA Lv. You can obtain (left path) and (right path) in Stage 1, and in Stage 2. The game is developed by Akatsuki, published by Bandai Namco Entertainment, and is available on Android and iOS. This page is a list of all released cards of the same character including his/her/their power ups, transformations, different character depending on series (DB, DBZ, DBS, DBGT, Game adaptations,. 0. Xeno Bardock. Level 1. Oct 17, 2022 - This Pin was discovered by Robertocorona. 12 Ki Multiplier is 130%. 6488. Recover 20% HP; ATK & DEF +200%; all allies Ki +3; plus an additional DEF +100% when there is a Super Class enemy; Super Class enemies' DEF -80%; attacks effective against all types when HP is 80% or more when attacking. 8888. 5%. Extreme Z-Area. Ki +3, ATK +4000 when facing only 1 enemy. Directory: Characters → Saiyan Borgos, known as Toteppo (トテッポ, Toteppo) in the original Japanese version, is the largest member of Team Bardock. Requirements: 25 timer counts elapse. The game is developed by Akatsuki, published by Bandai Namco Entertainment, and is available on Android and iOS. SA: Rebellion Edge (Extreme) - Raises DEF, causes immense damage and seals enemy Super Attack. Riz miah. Oct 25, 2019 - This Pin was discovered by Luis Mauricio Campos Hernandez. Bardock (disambiguation) Additional Information. Fasha is of average height and frame and is slightly muscular with a pale skin complexion. Future Bardock (未来のバーダック, Mirai no Bādakku) is the alternate timeline counterpart of Bardock. Low-Class Warrior - Pure Saiyans. This page is a list of all released cards of the same character including his/her/their power ups, transformations, different character depending on series (DB, DBZ, DBS, DBGT, Game adaptations,. Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +50%. Ki +1 and ATK & DEF +60%; plus an additional ATK +60% when facing 2 or more enemies; plus an additional Ki +1 and ATK +60% when there is a "Wicked Bloodline" Category enemy; turns into Giant Ape when conditions are met. Bring It On, a 2000 American teen comedy film "Bring It On", an episode of the Canadian TV series 6teen Bring It On: The Musical, a musical with music by Tom Kitt and Lin-Manuel. Total Potential Orbs needed: x5840 x3250 x308. The One Who Knows the Truth. SA: Greatly raises DEF and causes immense damage to enemy with a high chance of stunning the enemy. Raises ATK for 1 turn and causes supreme damage to enemy. (edited by Addiction101)Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wikia is a comprehensive database about Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle, the free-to-play mobile game based on the Dragon Ball anime franchise. Causes immense damage to. For other versions of Bardock, see Bardock (disambiguation). In his unconscious state, Bardock foresaw Frieza bringing the doom of his home planet. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Step 1: - Max Lv. Swiftlock laminate flooring ginger hickory View source Share Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki Main Pages *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a. The wiki has 3,671 articles and 46,947 files. All Types Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +120%: Milky Cannon (Extreme) Raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn and causes colossal damage to enemy: Special Fighting Assault (Extreme) Raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn and causes mega-colossal damage to enemy; all allies' ATK & DEF +30% for 1 turn: Finish SignAll-Out Final Battle Super Saiyan God SS Goku & Super Saiyan God SS Vegeta; Infinite Sanctuary Fusion Zamasu; Hope at the End of a Deadly Showdown Super Saiyan Trunks (Future)Ginyu Force. The blazing light that wards off all the evils! Take on a fierce battle with the fusion warrior! Super Vegito will hardly take damage from normal attacks. 5%. Non-Featured. This page is a list of all released cards of the same character including his/her/their power ups, transformations, different character depending on series (DB, DBZ, DBS, DBGT, Game adaptations,. - Leader Skill upgraded. Can be activated when HP is 70% or less, starting from the 4th turn from the start of battle (once only) "Exploding Rage" or "Realm of Gods" Category Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +170%. 8082. They are in order of release, rarity and type. Battle Expert. The wiki has 3,671 articles and 46,947 files. Team Bardock, also known as Bardock's "Five-Person Land-Shark Team", Bardock's planet elite force, or simply Bardock's Elite, is a crew of low-class Saiyan soldiers led by Bardock under the Saiyan Army. ATK & DEF +80%; plus an additional ATK & DEF +30% when performing a Super Attack; randomly changes Ki Spheres of a certain Type to Ki Spheres; medium chance [2] to perform a critical hit. LS: "Revenge" or "Low-Class Warrior" Category Ki +4 and HP, ATK & DEF +170%. Disambiguation. The wiki has 3,671 articles and 46,947 files. They are in order of release. , the descendant and great-great-great-great-grandson of Goku. This Category increases drops on these events. Passive: DEF +120%, ATK. His additional ATK & DEF +90% is calculated separately, for a total boost of ATK & DEF +156. For other versions of Bardock, see Bardock (disambiguation). They are in order of release, rarity and type. This page is a list of all released cards of the same character including his/her/their power ups, transformations, different character depending on series (DB, DBZ, DBS, DBGT, Game adaptations,. This page is a list of all released cards of the same character including his/her/their power ups, transformations, different character depending on series (DB, DBZ, DBS, DBGT, Game. Diligent Firstborn Uub (Youth) Divine Fighter Born of Light Super Saiyan God Goku. The wiki has 3,671 articles and 46,947 files. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. ) or Extreme Z-Awakenings. 12 Ki Multiplier is 140%. Directory: Characters → Saiyan This article is about the Bardock that appears in Dragon Ball Heroes from another dimension. For other versions of Bardock, see Bardock (disambiguation). Mirai no Bādakku. Contribute today!Directory: Techniques → Supportive Techniques → Transformation Wrathful (怒りの状態, Ikari no Jōtai, lit. And with the LR Bardock EZA, it might even be longer still. You Deserve a Slow and Agonizing Death! Transforms; Can be activated when there is a "Pure Saiyans" or "Hybrid Saiyans" Category enemy starting from the 3rd turn from the start of battle, or when facing only 1 enemy starting from the 6th turn from the start of battle (once only) You Deserve a Slow and Agonizing Death!PSA - For those who wanted to add their own EZA details for the units, please do so either in your own blog page or the discussion tab. EZA. Burdock (disambiguation) - Wikipedia. This category contains disambiguation pages — navigational aids which list other pages that might otherwise share the same title. Credits to: vinnybones, HarryTurney, Kariru2 and DaTruthDT. Causes supreme damage to enemy. The wiki has 3,671 articles and 46,947 files. Directory: Characters → Saiyan Fasha, also known as Celipa (セリパ, Seripa) in the original Japanese version, is a Saiyan warrior within the Saiyan Army, and the only female member of Team Bardock in its final incarnation. Xeno Bardock. Contribute today!Shot of Extinction Buu (Super) Two Makes the Strongest of All Universes Super Saiyan 2 Caulifla & Super Saiyan 2 KaleFurious Last Resort Vegeta (Giant Ape) If there is an enemy whose name includes "Goku" (Youth, Ginyu, Jr. Resisting Foresight. 1. In contrast, Burdock is used only once in the VIZ-translated manga. The game is developed by Akatsuki, published by Bandai Namco Entertainment, and is available on Android and iOS. Due to the fusees being nearly identical, Barlot's face does not change, though he. . Max. 12 Ki Multiplier is 150%. He is a low-class Saiyan warrior, the husband of Gine, the father of Raditz and Kakarot, the father-in-law of Chi-Chi, the paternal grandfather of Gohan and Goten, the paternal great-grandfather of Pan, and the ancestor of Goku Jr. SA Level can go up to 15, but only through Extreme Z-Awakening with special medals obtained from Baba's Shop; click on any of the medals for a detailed overview of the Extreme. The wiki has 3,671 articles and 46,947 files. Transcended Warrior. The game is developed by Akatsuki, published by Bandai Namco Entertainment, and is available on Android and iOS. The game is developed by Akatsuki, published by Bandai Namco Entertainment, and is available on Android and iOS. Look up burdock in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Prime. Directory: Characters → Saiyan Bardock (バーダック, Bādakku) is a low-class Saiyan warrior, the husband of Gine, and the father of Raditz and Goku. PSA - For those who wanted to add their own EZA details for the units, please do so either in your own blog page or the discussion tab. x10. Saiyan Warrior Race - The Saiyan Lineage - Team Bardock. . All-Out Final Battle Super Saiyan God SS Goku & Super Saiyan God SS Vegeta; Infinite Sanctuary Fusion Zamasu; Hope at the End of a Deadly Showdown Super Saiyan Trunks (Future)Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wikia is a comprehensive database about Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle, the free-to-play mobile game based on the Dragon Ball anime franchise. Race. x3. VIEW OLDER REPLIES. A Light in the Darkness. Flame Bullet. Before Z-Awakening. The wiki has 3,671 articles and 46,947 files. 12 Ki Multiplier is 140%; 24 Ki Multiplier is 200%. 1 Guaranteed per Multi-Summon. Bardock (SP) (RED) Max. Contribute today!Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta • Fierce Battle Saga • Super Saiyan 3 Broly • Masked Saiyan • Super Saiyan 3 Bardock • Heroines Edition • Heroines Edition 2 • DBFZ Edition • DBH Edition • DBF Edition • DBF Edition 2 • Divine Battle Edition: Raid Z-Battles Perfect Cell • Omega Shenron • Jiren • Dokkan All-Stars • BrolyBroly (disambiguation) Baby (disambiguation) Bardock (disambiguation) Android 13 (disambiguation) Majin Buu (disambiguation) Rilldo (disambiguation) 0. 20 raises SA Multiplier by an additional 30%. Can be farmed to raise Super Attack of other Tora cards. His additional boosts are calculated separately, for a total boost of ATK & DEF +109. ATK +10000 at start of turn; Ki +4 and ATK & DEF +8000 when facing 2 or more enemies. For other uses, see Paragus (disambiguation). ) or Extreme Z-Awakenings. Passive Skill:ATK +20% and DEF +5% per Ki Sphere obtained; reduces damage received by 10% per "Team Bardock" Category ally on the. For other versions of Bardock, see Bardock (disambiguation). ATK & DEF +159%; launches 2 additional attacks, each of which has a medium chance [2] of becoming a Super Attack; plus an additional ATK & DEF +5% with each attack performed (up to 59%); medium chance [3] of performing a critical hit. The game is developed by Akatsuki, published by Bandai Namco Entertainment, and is available on Android and iOS. 3. Prime. 12. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Causes mega-colossal damage to enemy and raises Extreme Class allies' ATK by 30% for 1 turn. Ki +3 for 10 turns from start of turn; Ki +3 for 10 turns when there is an Extreme Class enemy (once only); ATK & DEF +103000; plus an additional ATK & DEF +10300 with each attack performed (up to 103000); launches an additional Super Attack when HP is 80% or more; launches an additional attack when HP is 50% or more. The game is developed by Akatsuki, published by Bandai Namco Entertainment, and is available on Android and iOS. . ATK +10% when performing a Super Attack. Today. In the anime, the platoon is comprised of Bardock, as well as four other soldiers: Tora, Fasha, Borgos, and Shugesh. The wiki has 3,671 articles and 46,947 files. Step 2: - Max Super Attack Lv. Step 5: - Max Super Attack Lv. 1 ally is defeated. Dragon ball dokkan View source Share Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki Main Pages *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. 11. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wikia is a comprehensive database about Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle, the free-to-play mobile game based on the Dragon Ball anime franchise. SA lv. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wikia is a comprehensive database about Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle, the free-to-play mobile game based on the Dragon Ball anime franchise. The game is developed by Akatsuki, published by Bandai Namco Entertainment, and is available on Android and iOS. goku screaning. 9241. 1. Male. Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +120%. The game is developed by Akatsuki, published by Bandai Namco Entertainment, and is available on Android and iOS. Super Attack: Raises DEF for 1 turn.